Penter's Bluff forms the Izard County bank of the White River near the Independence/Izard County Line. This bluff has long been a destination of local sightseers since the settlement of the area by families like the Laffertys who first built a cabin on the Stone County side of the river above the beautiful, wide bottomlands in 1810. Just below this site, John Lafferty witnessed the 1811 New Madrid Earthquake. Before his eyes, the land along the bank of the river near his home opened up and shot water and debris high into the air as the earth shook. He also witnessed the White River in turmoil and reported that the river actually flowed backwards during the devastating natural disaster.
We'll be posting more about our visit to "The Buckhorn" (so named by the Native-Americans who lived there) and the old Lafferty settlement later in the week.
This is news to me. I'd never realized that the New Madrid Earthquake affected the Ozarks, too. Apparently, Ozark buildings need to be designed to withstand earthquakes.
Jeffery Hodges
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We've hypothesized that many of the bluffs we've hiked along were fractured during the events. There are dozens of places we've been to where large portions of bluffs are sheared away, Many large pieces of mountain bluffs can be found halfway down the hillside standing alone,
There's lots of bedrock up here...though also lots of cavernous spaces within it. I don't know how you'd protect your home from being swallowed by a cathedral-sized cave.
My guess's LOADS safer up here than on the delta...or the White River bottom for that matter.
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