Sharing the Wonder of Izard County...Moving History Forward!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Home Places of Jehoiada and A.C. Jeffery (Mount Olive)
Today we struck out without any specific place in mind to visit. We ended up finding both the old homeplace of Jehoiada Jeffery, one of the earliest pioneers of the county, and the homeplace of his son, A.C. (Augustus Curren) Jeffery...who was actually born in the old Jehoiada Jeffery cabin.
Jehoiada Jeffery Homeplace(top) A.C. Jeffery Homeplace (bottom)
I know that this is a common claim people make around the world, but to me the Ozarks of Arkansas truly is God's Country! This site will be dedicated to showing anyone interested--Sunday motorists to fair-weather cyclists--some of the hidden treasures in the county they drive through.
Over the past several years, with the explosion of the popularity of custom car-clubs and motorcycle enthusiasts, Izard county has seen a parade of people from outside the area coming to enjoy the panoramic views from the comfort of their chosen mode of pleasurable transportation. Many, I'm absolutely sure, drive by sights that are easily accesible and not far off the highway never even knowing those sights are there. This blog will give anyone searching for information before they visit the area a way to know where some of those places are.
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It's actually in the National Register, Paula.
The ruins of the Jehoida Jeffery cabin are significant as well. Schoolcraft actually visited the Jefferys that cabin.
The Jeffery Cemetery is just across the pasture from the Jehoida Jeffery cabin...we'll get it another time. It's also in the register.
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