When we arrived on the property, the landowner, Bobby J. Lawrence, invited us into his home to show us his collection of relics from the past. We have included some at the bottom of this post including an M1851 belt buckle-plate his father dug-up with post-hole diggers while building a fence many years ago! The M1851 buckles were issued to Union Cavalry members prior to and during the Civil-war and even during the Indian Wars. Also pictured are two pairs of early 20th century shoes...one, a pair of ladies' "Walk Overs".
Again, our adventure while visiting the Lawrence Cemetery and Spring was made even more special by our fellowship with the gracious landowner! Thanks Bobby J!

Reference the grave of William Martin Lawrence. Your photograph shows the original fieldstone marker and the newer tombstone, but you did not show the gov't issued marker honoring his service to the Confederacy during the Civil War that I placed there abt 4 years ago. Is it still there, isn't it?
Rick Lawrence - Tulsa
I don't remember a confederate marker near this grave, though...I don't want to say for sure it isn't there. It may have been covered by grass or grass-clippings.
If there had been one visible, by golly, I'd 've snapped it!
It's not far from where i live, we'll swing by there sometime and look for it.
I am trying to find where Lemuel Franks is buried. The only place I have found is Izard County, AR. Cynthia Ann Franks who married James was his daughter. Would you have any idea where Lemuel may be buried if he indeed was buried in AR?
Chad Franks
James Lawrence and Cynthia Ann Franks Lawrence are my gr gr gr grandparents. James Francis Lawrence, one of their sons, is buried with the old marker here that is mostly unreadable. He was my gr gr grandfather. His wife, Lucenda Mayfield Lawrence is buried in the Mayfield Cemetery in Izard county.
James Lawrence and Cynthia Ann Franks Lawrence are my gr gr gr grandparents. James Francis Lawrence, one of their sons, is buried with the old marker here that is mostly unreadable. He was my gr gr grandfather. His wife, Lucenda Mayfield Lawrence is buried in the Mayfield Cemetery in Izard county.
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