Monday, June 15, 2009

Mount Olive Memorial Cemetery (Hilltop)

The Mount Olive Cemetery is the resting place of several interesting pioneers of the county including many members of the Jeffery family. A striking fact about those interned here is the many Jeffery family members who were members of the various branches of the military and who fought in most of the wars of the 20th century.
Important members of the Mount Olive community during its hey-day are also buried in this cemetery.
Dr. W. R. Hayden lies in the family plot near his son, Jeffery, who was also a doctor. Dr. Hayden operated a drug store in Mount Olive near the Old Presbyterian Church which still stands. The store was home to a typewriter where Dr. Hayden wrote his own obituary a few days before he died.
A pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Mount Pleasant is also at rest here. Reverend D.R. Robertson is documented as having performed many weddings and funeral services during his tenure.
Long-time postmaster, Patrick H. Jeffery, owned a farm about a mile east of town and also operated a cotton-gin in Mount Olive. Once the railroad began operation, he sold his gin and opened a store.
Indiana Jeffery, who was married to Ambrose Jeffery, is also lying in this place. You can read some of Ambrose's letters by clicking here.

Update: The marker stone for Indiana Jeffery is not marking her grave. Upon doing a bit more research prompted by my noticing the anomly that shows up in three seperate photos I took of the stone (the camera I used has never produced any anomlies), I found that Indiana is actually buried with her husbandMcMurtryCemetery located in Mountain View. The stone was placed near family members' graves until the Jeffery Cemetery can be restored at which time the stone will be moved. As an extreme skeptic of the paranormal, I find it strange that this anomoly occurred in only these photos and can't help but notice that its form is that of a gravestone.

Update 2: 
Indiana's headstone, found in a creek at Mountain View,  has been returned to a reclaimed McMurtry Cemetery and now stands with her husband's stone.


Stacie said...

Thank you for these pictures. This is my family and I appreciate that the cemetary is being treated with such respect and care.

Thank you.

Al-Ozarka said...

One of the best things about having this blog is getting to know the old pioneers! What a legacy many of them left to us, eh? What colorful lives!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful website. I've been reading a friend's copies of letters written during the Civil War by Jehoiadah Quincy Jeffrey, the grandson of the Jehoiadah Jeffrey who settled Izard County. I've gotten so sucked into this boy's story (he became a solider at the age of 16 and fought non-stop until he was killed at the Battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864). He went by the nickname "Suska." His brother Isaac was also killed, at Elijah's home by rogue soldiers, just six months later.

Are you familiar with this story, and if so, do you have any idea where the young soldier Jehoiadah Q. Jeffrey is buried? His friends in his regiment buried him near the spot where he fell in GA, but I would imagine he was eventually moved and interred near home.

Thanks so much--your pictures are fascinating!

Anonymous said...

i would love to know about the old house near the railroad just past the church.i wa told it was a chinese prisoner camp.can you tell me and does it still belong to th raiilroad?

Al-Ozarka said...

The old house you are referring to was originally the home of Elijah Jeffery but later served as a boarding house for railroad workers. Your mention of a chinese labor camp is's the first I've heard about it. I'll have to check on it.

There are a couple of photos of the house here.

Lisa Jeffery Speech And Accent Academy said...

Thank you for this blog! I am Lisa Jeffery, 9th generation descendant from Jehoida Jeffery. My grandmother was Mary Jeffery, who painted Jehoida's portrait. I have been gathering all the research I can for years, and was delighted by your blog and the photos of the Jeffery cemetary!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures and information. I'm a Jeffery. I spent a lot of summers running around Mt Olive. My grandfather is also Rev. Robertson. of the Presbyterian Church. I used to swim at the flat rocks on the river. Lots of memories.