Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hobo's Den

We finally made it to Hobo's Den near Calico Rock. This amazing shelter cuts through a large outcropping of rock and made the perfect campsite for humble hobos in days gone by. The site lies just feet away from the railroad and only yards from the White River.
We made this trek in the early evening after a spur-of-the-moment invitation by our guide so the lighting was not very accomodating. We plan a return trip in the winter-time to get better views of this wonderful historic place.
Notice the graffiti on one wall of the shelter/natural bridge...we believe it may actually be hobo symbology!


Kelly Turner said...

My name is Kelly Turner and I grew up in calico rock and have spent alot of time at hobo's Den and there is also a rock overhang out by the tracks that the hobo's would hide in until the train would come by, this was called hobo's cave.

Al-Ozarka said...


We noticed the overhang under the at the bottom of the bluff beside the track! If it hadn't been so late in the day...and so DANGED HOT, we'd have investigated it!

Thanks for mentioning it and giving us the info about it!

Unknown said...

Hello, I am with a local camera club in SW Missouri and we are planning a trip to Calico Rock on May 4th. I would like to include Hobo Den and any other interesting areas to our trip. I have been looking for directions but I have yet to find anything. Also if you have any other suggestions of neat/beautiful places for us to visit I am all ears. Thank you

Unknown said...

I apologize I meant May 6